Suppose you had a company but it wasn’t doing as well as you had hoped, so you hired an intelligent well spoken new CEO to run it for you. He didn’t have a great resume but he was eager, had a lot of ideas, and showed some promise so you give him the job.
So, after three years, you come back to evaluate how he is doing. What you find is that the company not only hasn’t shown a profit but has been running in red so badly that the company debt has ballooned from 10.626 to 15.467. The workforce went from 7.8% unemployed to 8.3%, supply prices (especially fuel) have doubled, the pension plan is broke, and the value of the business properties have continued to drop significantly.
So, you sit him down to talk about what is going on. First he tells you that his predecessor is to blame for it all and he needs more time to fix it. How much time? About four years. So in four years the company will be profitable? Well, no he says, but he thinks he can cut the losses in half especially if we raise the prices on our best customers because he doesn’t believe they are paying enough. Where do you think the debt will be at the end of this four year period? He says it might be double what it is now. Really? Is that necessary? He says absolutely but not to worry, it is manageable. What about cutting costs? He says that really isn’t necessary.
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So you suggest that things are not exactly where you expected they would be and ask him to explain what he has been doing. His answer? He gave a lot of money away in the form of employee incentives and implemented an expensive new health care plan. Really? With everything we have talked about, that was the top priority. Absolutely he says.
Now, regardless of where you are in the wide political spectrum, just ask yourself: Would you allow this individual to keep running your company?